The Power of CoolSculpting


CoolSculpting® was originally discovered about ten years ago by a group of scientists. They realized that after children had sucked on a Popsicle, their cheeks became dimpled. This led to the discovery that small pockets of fat in the cheeks were eliminated after they had been frozen. Although this is a simplistic explanation for the process, it is also accurate. The observation of the Popsicle was responsible for the idea that specific cells of fat can be targeted to be removed from the body with no damage to the surrounding tissue and cells. The process that was developed was called selective Cryolipolysis. Eventually, this became the CoolSculpting® procedure for body contouring. The procedure involves different options for the tissue-cooling, non-invasive applicators. The conditions are controlled using a precise monitoring system.

The procedure is performed by the professional attaching the applicator to the area targeted for fat removal. The vacuum applicator is specially designed to draw and hold the tissue inside of the applicator cup in between two cooling panels. The applicator monitor contains embedded sensors to monitor the skin during the treatment. This makes certain the process is both uniform and consistent. There is a link between the control console and the sensors. This enables the professional to make adjustments to the cooling process throughout the entire procedure. The professional is receiving continuous feedback. If the patient or the device requires any attention and when the process is finished, the professional is alerted immediately.

The controlled cooling targets and then gets rid of the cells of fat. The other methods currently available including radiofrequency and lasers use focused ultrasound technology. The way this technique impacts the cells of fat can affect the surrounding tissues. Cryolipolysis is different because the process cools the adipose tissue until the cells of fat are broken down with no damage to the surrounding tissues. The results become apparent in the months that follow. The decrease in fat naturally contours the body. CoolSculpting® is based on the fact that cells of fat are more vulnerable to the cooling than the surrounding tissues. Energy is extracted from the underlying fat while protecting the other tissue, muscles, nerves and skin. The cooled cells of fat die and are eliminated gradually. This decreases the thickness of the layer of fat.

During the treatment, the cooling triggers fat cell apoptosis. This causes the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines. The impacted cells of fat are gradually digested by the inflammatory cells for months after the treatment. The cells of fat contain lipids, which are released slowly. The lymphatic system processes these fat cells. Since this is a gradual process, there is no harm to the liver function or the blood lipids. This procedure works extremely well for both men and women. The most commonly targeted areas include the outer and inner thighs, abdomen, flanks, upper arms and male breasts. The best candidate is at or close to their correct weight. This is because the treatment is not for weight loss but body contouring. The process targets the unwanted fat pockets in the areas where they are the hardest to lose.

It is important to note CoolSculpting® is not meant to be a solution for excess weight or obesity. If you are fairly fit and interested in eliminating a bulge in a specific part of your body, this may be your solution. Once the professional has confirmed you are a good candidate for the procedure, a treatment session will be prepared. The treatment has received approval from the FDA, is non-invasive, does not require surgery and is 100-percent safe. If you are treating your abdominal area, you will most likely require multiple treatments. Although your results are permanent, you can have additional treatments for the removal of more fat cells. One of the best benefits is you can treat so many different areas of your body. This includes:

• Outer and inner thighs
• Lower or upper abdomen
• Hips
• Posterior or anterior flanks
• Arms
• Back fat
• Chin

Some individuals start noticing the results as soon as weeks after the procedure. The most dramatic results become apparent in the following months. Fat cells will be flushed out by your body for as long as multiple months after the procedure.

The CoolSculpting® Procedure

The treatment begins with the use of an applicator and gels in the area being targeted. Cold temperatures are delivered by the applicator. The fat cells are frozen and damaged permanently by the applicator with no harm to the other cells, body water or blood. The fat cells damaged during the treatment will continue to die for weeks after the procedure. Your body will eliminate these cells naturally. The fat cells will never be replaced by new fat cells in the area you had treated or regrow. They will also not come back in a different part of your body. They have been permanently eliminated. The distribution of fat cells in the areas you did not treat will remain the same.

In the months after your treatment, the areas you had treated will show a significant decrease in fat cells. You may start to notice the changes in as little as days after your treatment. Your results will be truly dramatic in the weeks after your CoolSculpting® treatment. Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is no downtime. You can resume your regular activities right after your treatment. The results produced by this technology have been backed up in over seventy technical reports, scientific papers and clinical journals.

The Benefits of CoolSculpting®

There are a wide variety of benefits to this procedure. Both gastric bypass surgery and liposuction require having surgery. This procedure is fast and non-invasive. Numerous individuals enjoy the convenience of scheduling their session for their lunch break. During your procedure, you can simply relax, take a nap or enjoy your favorite new book. None of this is possible with the majority of other procedures for fat removal. This is the only fat freezing technology currently cleared by the FDA. The original process was developed by scientists. No artificial substances or surgery are necessary with this treatment. Your cells of fat are targeted using controlled cooling technology. Your body is then able to shed the fat cells by using your own natural process.

The professional will make certain your comfort and safety are top priorities. It is important to ensure the medical professional is experienced with this procedure to make certain you receive the best possible results. Every person is unique. Fat can be stored in all different parts of the body. Unfortunately, the fat does not always go where you would prefer. This is the most important distinction between fat reduction and losing weight. You can lose weight. You will not be able to decide which fat your body is going to burn. The true beauty of this procedure is you can decide which specific areas of fat you want to eliminate. The applicator is placed on the area you have chosen to provide localized fat reduction. This is an excellent option for stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to both exercising and dieting.

During your treatment, precise cooling is sent from the applicator into the surface of your skin. The cold will damage the cells of fat, not your other tissues and skin. The temperature is cold enough to permanently destroy the fat cells. As the weeks pass, the dead cells of fat will be naturally cleared away by your body a little at a time. The result is better contours and a slimmer physique. It is important to use this procedure to help you reduce fat as opposed to looking for a replacement for exercising and dieting. Your results are natural and happen gradually. Each visit will provide you with a reduction of fat in the area you had treated. This often results in choosing to live a healthier lifestyle due to the new and improved appearance of the body.

Another benefit of the procedure is it often leads to the individual considering their health and weight prior to making an unhealthy decision. Some individuals consider liposuction surgery for targeted fat reduction. The surgery is effective, although the cost is a lot higher. Just the fee of the surgeon alone is generally more than the cost of this entire procedure. Liposuction costs also include the fees for the operating room, the anesthesia, medications and so much more. The procedure also improves the fit of your clothes to make you feel more attractive. Once you start to feel good about the way you look, you will become happier. This is often reflected in the way you walk, talk and act.

The main reason most individuals decide against having a cosmetic procedure is because they are concerned about the risks of having surgery. Even though an experienced surgeon lowers the risks, every surgery has both complications and risks. This procedure eliminates all the potential risks of surgery because there is no surgery.

If you do gain a little weight after your treatment, the chances are good that the fat in your body will be more evenly distributed. If you have ever looked at before and after pictures for CoolSculpting®, then you have probably been somewhat amazed. The procedure was cleared by the FDA in 2010. Great results were revealed in the trials. The results of individuals all over the world since this approval account for the popularity of the treatment.

Ever since CoolSculpting® was cleared by the FDA, more and more areas of the body have received clearance. This means you can have nearly any area of your body treated. If you are interested in CoolSculpting®, please reach out to Perfect Skin Center so your personal consultation can be arranged at our office in Scottsdale or Tempe. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!


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