A brunette woman with radiant skin

Acne Treatments

A brunette woman smiling with radiant skin

Acne Treatments

Acne treatments typically fall into two categories: topical and systemic. Topical solutions encompass alpha hydroxy acids, Benzoyl Peroxide, topical antibiotics, retinoids, and various cleansers. On the systemic front, options include oral antibiotics, isotretinoin (Accutane), or hormonal therapies. Often, a combination of treatments is recommended to address the four primary acne contributors: Comedogenesis, Sebum production, P. acnes (the bacteria), and inflammation. When traditional therapies prove ineffective, we offer an alternative with cutting-edge technologies, providing advanced solutions to rejuvenate and treat your skin.

Thermage ®

The FDA approved Thermage ® procedure heats the water in overactive sebaceous glands causing a mild thermal injury that changes the activity and function of the glands. Thermage penetrates deep into you skin to target the deep sebaceous glands that can cause cystic acne. Shortly after the first treatment, you will start to see a reduction in acne lesions. This treatment also improves the appearance of atrophic scars.

  • Treatment sessions take about 30-60 minutes
  • 1-3 treatments recommended at 6-12 week intervals
  • Slight erythema and swelling may occur and usually resolves in 2-12 hours
A before and after acne scar removal treatment photo.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT )

Levulan PDT can improve mild to moderate acne. Levulan inactivates the bacteria that trigger acne, exfoliates the skin to unclog pores, and decreases the activity of overactive sebaceous glands in the skin. This is exciting because sebaceous glands are the root cause in the formation of acne so it has a long lasting effect even on the most severe cases.

A woman before and after acne scar removal treatment

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