A beautiful brunette woman touching her face.

Rejuvenation Devices

vFit® Gold Device $395.00

Discover the vFit Gold® Device, expertly designed by Ob-Gyns specifically for mid-life women seeking improved intimate health. This innovative device harnesses the power of patented red-light technology to strengthen your pelvic floor, enhance natural lubrication, and elevate sensation. Experience a noticeable feeling of tightness and greater control with just a few at-home sessions each week. The vFit Gold® offers a convenient, private solution for boosting pelvic health and overall well being in the comfort of your home. Ideal for women aiming to revitalize their intimate health, vFit Gold® is the go-to device for a stronger, more confident you.

An image of the vfit gold device.

Omnilux Contour Face - $395

Dermatologist recommended red light therapy device with clinically proven results for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation.

  • Minimizes the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lessens the signs of pigmentation and redness
  • Encourages the development of skin that looks younger and healthier
  • Completely natural with no discomfort, adverse effects, or recovery time needed
An image of the Omnilux Contour Face device

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