Learn More About Your Skin with VISIA Skin Analysis

VISIA Skin Analysis

All of us have looked at ourselves in the mirror and realized that there was something about our skin we did not like. However, it’s not always possible for us to tell what it is about our skin that we don’t like. We can tell that as we’ve gotten older something is off, but to say exactly what that something is can be a challenge. This is where the VISIA® skin analysis system comes into play. This system is designed to examine your skin in a meticulous way. It provides very clear and precise information about the smoothness of your skin and identifies any potential problem areas that you might have.

VISIA® skin analysis represents a leap forward in cosmetic technology. Now, state-of-the-art computer software, high-definition cameras, and pinpoint diagnostic tools are being used to help identify the type of skin you have, identify facial features that may be problematic, and pinpoint areas in your appearance that could benefit from improvements.

The process is very easy. You simply place your face inside the scanning device. In a matter of a few moments, high-quality images are captured of your face. The capture module rotates from one side of your face to another, providing left views, right views, and a front facial view.

UV light is used to examine the surface and the subsurface of your skin. UV light is great in that it shows sun damage and is able to clearly identify other problem areas with your skin. After your skin has been examined, carefully selected skincare products and treatments can be offered.

What’s great about the VISIA® skin analysis program is that your image is stored, allowing you to compare the way that you look and the health of your skin before you start the recommended treatment program to after you complete the treatment program.

With this system, things like the perceived age of your skin and the condition of your skin are clearly laid out. Your skin can be compared to the skin of other individuals among your same age group and your same skin color. This helps you to see where you sit in comparison to the majority of the population.

VISIA® skin analysis is a revolutionary way of looking at your skin. Gone are the days when a cosmetic expert simply had to guess about the condition of your skin. The information you receive about your skin is not subjective or based on the eye of the person doing the evaluation. You are left with clear and quantifiable information about your skin that allows you to take action and make your skin look its best.

Make an appointment at Perfect Skin Center, with offices in Tempe and Scottsdale, to get started with your VISIA® skin analysis. Contact us today to book a consultation!


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