Reasons to Consider Acne Scar Treatment

acne scar treatment

The presence of acne on a person’s face can leave him or her dreading to look in the mirror. It can also make people self-conscious about what other individuals think when they see them. This can become even more frustrating when the acne seems to be persistent and does not respond to some of the over-the-counter medications that are available. If acne progresses far enough, it can lead to permanent scarring.

Of course, the best acne scar treatment is that which takes place before the scars have a chance to develop. In order to prevent the acne from progressing to this point, it is important to understand that every case of acne is different. The way acne affects people can vary by individual as well.

Acne that does not respond to common remedies in a timely manner should be treated by a professional in order to get it under control before it causes more serious problems. Acne can reach the point that it becomes inflamed. When it does, there will be some redness of the skin, and it will reach the point of causing some discomfort.

If the inflammation develops into an infection, cystic acne will form. This is the most serious of all the acne types. It can lead to permanent scarring if it is not treated promptly. This type of acne is likely to require prescription medications and treatments.

Individuals who have facial scars that are present because of previous cases of acne should be pleased to know that we offer various acne scar treatments at our office. Often times, lasers can be used to remove these scars. Other treatments may include micro-needling, TCA CROSS treatments, Thermage® and BOTOX®.

Regardless of which method of acne scar treatment is used, the end goal is the same. When all is said and done, the skin should be smoother and the scars should no longer be visible. Our team of experts can evaluate your scars and let you know whether laser treatments or other options are best for you to get rid of those scars.

The team at Perfect Skin Laser Center wants to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. We understand that when a person has acne scarring, it can hinder all areas of his or her life. Make an appointment at our office in Tempe or Scottsdale so that your scars can be evaluated and a personalized treatment plan can be created for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for acne scar treatment.


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