Can You Get Laser Hair Removal if You Have Dark Skin?

laser hair removal

If your shaving and waxing routine is taking up too much of your time, consider laser hair removal at Perfect Skin Care Center in Scottsdale and Tempe. This treatment uses carefully controlled laser energy in order to disable the hair follicles so they won‘t grow back. Not having to wax or shave sounds like a dream come true, but you might have heard that dark skin tones may not benefit from this treatment. Is this true? Not anymore. It’s time to learn the truth about laser hair removal for darker complexions.

Why Were Darker Skin Tones or Tanned Skin Discouraged?

When laser hair removal was first developed, the preferred candidate had dark hair and light skin. The laser has to detect pigment in the skin to destroy the follicle, and early lasers did not have the power to distinguish the dark skin from dark hair. The melanin could also absorb the heat, causing skin burns.

The lasers also had a problem detecting the pigment in blonde hair or gray hair. Another issue was that it could cause hyperpigmentation on darker complexions. This myth still exists today, even though new lasers have come along that give good results to all skin tones and hair colors.

What Lasers are Effective for Darker Skin?

The innovative 1064 Nd:Yag laser has proven successful for candidates with darker complexions. The Nd-Yag is the most suggested choice since it reaches deeper into the skin than a diode laser. However, each laser has its benefits. During a consultation at our office, we can determine the best laser system to use.

How Do You Increase Your Chances of Success with Laser Hair Removal?

Other factors can determine the success of the treatment. You should be in good health with no skin disorders and not take medicines that increase light sensitivity. Hair can be shaved before the appointment because longer hair may cause problems, but it’s important to avoid waxing or any form of hair removal that takes the hair out of the follicle.

Above all else, use an experienced laser technician who has treated darker skin. Ask to see before and after photos of skin tones that are similar to yours.

Don’t let this one laser hair removal myth discourage you from looking great. For more information, set up a time to speak with the expert team at Perfect Skin Center in Scottsdale and Tempe. We can treat pigmented hair on various skin types, including those with tan skin. Contact us today to book an appointment and learn more.


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